Jul 29, 2010
Jul 25, 2010
Jul 20, 2010
Plasma TV Technology

Plasma TV Technology
Digital revolution has swept people off by their feet in last two decades. Every other day, we come across a new invention or technology. The life cycle of a product has shrunk considerably in the age when a new technology is rendered obsolete within few months. What used to sell like hot cakes just a month back might not find any takers today. Yes, that is the pace of technology. One of the direct beneficiaries of digital revolution is home televisions. High definition Flat Screen TVs can be seen in every second household. Even in this segment, two particular categories Plasma technology and LCD TV is reigning supreme. Here we will be talking about plasma technology.
Plasma technology has completely changed the way people used to watch television. Now watching TV has become a pleasurable experience. Quite a large number of people relish to watch a movie on plasma TV instead of going to theatre and that amply demonstrates its popularity. It has wonderful design that is not only sleek and slim but visually stimulating as well. Television industry has got a real boost in arms with invention of plasma TV.
Some of the distinguishing features of a plasma TV are negligible picture blur, bright and well coloured display and high sensitivity. If we go deep into the technology of a plasma TV, its inner structure is comprised of thousands of tiny cells incorporated in two sheets of glass. These cells are multi-coloured and also act as the pixels of the plasma TV. These pixels are instrumental in producing the magical picture effect on the screen.
One of the best features of a plasma TV is that it can be mounted on a wall and that amounts to experience of watching television in a completely different orbit. This way, it can also adapt in all kinds of environments. Its soaring popularity is also credited to features like easy usability, high viewing angles and environment friendly technology. With every passing day, new models and make of plasma are arriving in market and that makes customers spoilt for choice
i hate examsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
yes i hate exams because it creates a lot of tensions in our mind.
Online Research Tools
Online Research Tools
Information is the most important commodity in today’s world. Right from self employed individuals to large multinationals giants, information is essential for all. Now combine this necessity with internet and we have a powerful tool in our hands. In fact, internet has made it possible for people all over the world to find information on any topic in any category. What seemed impossible two decades back is now available on your fingertips. So whether you wish to research upon a topic or have a desire to share your knowledge with others, you can always use wonderful online research tools to make the whole process easy and comfortable. If you are one of those information seekers, you can always keep yourself updated with handy online tools.
Online research tools can be used for several purposes like writing, viewing information, networking with peers, finding new content, sharing your information, or to subscribe to information. You can always begin with ubiquitous Google. It offers a service named Google Alerts that can send the needed information in your inbox. It is one of the fastest ways to find the information about any topic. You can adjust the settings to get the information on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Others like Yahoo, AOL are also providing this service.
Mozilla Firefox is one of the most preferred tools of online researchers. There are number of browsers but Mozilla is definitely among the most powerful ones. It offers you several useful tools for research and plug-ins. Website subscription is another wonderful tool that will help you in getting all the relevant information. So instead of going to particular websites on a daily basis, you should subscribe to those sites using RSS or Atom. There are other news aggregator feeds as well that will come very handy.
Information is the most important commodity in today’s world. Right from self employed individuals to large multinationals giants, information is essential for all. Now combine this necessity with internet and we have a powerful tool in our hands. In fact, internet has made it possible for people all over the world to find information on any topic in any category. What seemed impossible two decades back is now available on your fingertips. So whether you wish to research upon a topic or have a desire to share your knowledge with others, you can always use wonderful online research tools to make the whole process easy and comfortable. If you are one of those information seekers, you can always keep yourself updated with handy online tools.
Online research tools can be used for several purposes like writing, viewing information, networking with peers, finding new content, sharing your information, or to subscribe to information. You can always begin with ubiquitous Google. It offers a service named Google Alerts that can send the needed information in your inbox. It is one of the fastest ways to find the information about any topic. You can adjust the settings to get the information on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Others like Yahoo, AOL are also providing this service.
Mozilla Firefox is one of the most preferred tools of online researchers. There are number of browsers but Mozilla is definitely among the most powerful ones. It offers you several useful tools for research and plug-ins. Website subscription is another wonderful tool that will help you in getting all the relevant information. So instead of going to particular websites on a daily basis, you should subscribe to those sites using RSS or Atom. There are other news aggregator feeds as well that will come very handy.
Jul 19, 2010
..Modern living has made people of India weak, unhealthy and disease prone..
Yes...Modern living has made people of India weak, unhealthy and disease prone...Modern living means adopting the western culture, smoking, drinking, eating pizzas and burgers, etc.Also working at night times in a BPO or a Call Centre is now a days modern living.....But this makes u obese and also mentally sick as scientifically it is proved that brain automatically relaxes...So the people working in the companies become mentally ill and sick......Now don't we see teens and adults smoking in shops, in parties, on roads....It is because of maybe stress or even peer pressure......But smoking reduces 13.9% of the life.....Isn't this unhealthy?Smoking also causes many types of cancers such as lung cancer and stomach cancer....Don't we see obese people around us?Actually the number of obese people has increased....It is because most of them eat junk food regularly and some of them twice or thrice a week............
people have all got influenced by the western styles and now are getting lazier ....people doing night duties dont get proper sleep and hence leading to sleep disorders .....also the busy life of people has made them jump to a easier way of living ...ie eating the junk or packed food which is full of preservatives nowadays a walk in the garden has come to a run on the treadmill...You want to go bicycling..........wellll go to the gym and thats the way it goes ...excercise is not only for burning fats and carbohydrates but for gettin in touch with the fresh morning air which keeps u active the whole day,,,,,,,,, it is affecting ,all the people are trying to turn their simple life into sophisticated living.Of course the modern living is directly affecting the people.Now, due to easy availability of many consumer items in the market attracts each and every consumer and they try to procure the item either by spending their saving or taking loan from the banks etc. Both ways the money circulation in the market increases resulting in rise in inflation and related hardships.
people have all got influenced by the western styles and now are getting lazier ....people doing night duties dont get proper sleep and hence leading to sleep disorders .....also the busy life of people has made them jump to a easier way of living ...ie eating the junk or packed food which is full of preservatives nowadays a walk in the garden has come to a run on the treadmill...You want to go bicycling..........wellll go to the gym and thats the way it goes ...excercise is not only for burning fats and carbohydrates but for gettin in touch with the fresh morning air which keeps u active the whole day,,,,,,,,, it is affecting ,all the people are trying to turn their simple life into sophisticated living.Of course the modern living is directly affecting the people.Now, due to easy availability of many consumer items in the market attracts each and every consumer and they try to procure the item either by spending their saving or taking loan from the banks etc. Both ways the money circulation in the market increases resulting in rise in inflation and related hardships.
wavin flag

You're a good soldier
Choosing your battles
Pick yourself up
And dust yourself off
Get back in the saddle
You're on the front line
Everyone's watching
You know it's serious
We are getting closer
This isn't over
The pressure is on
You feel it
But you got it all
Believe it
When you fall get up, oh oh
If you fall get up, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Cuz this is Africa
Tsamina mina, eh eh
Waka waka, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa
Listen to your God
This is our motto
Your time to shine
Don't wait in line
Y vamos por todo
People are raising
Their expectations
Go on and feed them
This is your moment
No hesitations
Today's your day
I feel it
You paved the way
Believe it
If you get down get up, oh oh
When you get down get up, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa
Tsamina mina, eh eh
Waka waka, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa a a
Tsamina mina, eh eh
Waka waka, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa
Awela Majoni Biggie Biggie Mama One A To Zet
Athi sithi LaMajoni Biggie Biggie Mama From East To West
Bathi . . . Waka Waka Ma Eh Eh Waka Waka Ma Eh Eh
Zonke zizwe mazi buye
Cuz this is Africa
Voice: Tsamina mina, Anawa a a
Tsamina mina
Tsamina mina, Anawa a a
Tsamina mina, eh eh
Waka waka, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa a a
Tsamina mina, eh eh
Waka waka, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa
Django eh eh
Django eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa a a
Django eh eh
Django eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa a a
(2x) This time for Africa
(2x) We're all Africa
Jul 15, 2010
pH Preference of Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and Vegetables
pH Preference of Flowers,Trees,Shrubs and Annuals
Flowers, Trees,Shrubs,Annuals
Roses - Hybrid Tea
Roses - Climbing
Hydrangea - blue
Hydrangea - pink
pH Preference of Turf Grasses
Turf Grasses
Creeping Bent Grass
Fine Fescue
Kentucky Bluegrass
Perennial Ryegrass
Fruits and Vegetables
pH Preference of Flowers,Trees,Shrubs and Annuals
Flowers, Trees,Shrubs,Annuals
Roses - Hybrid Tea
Roses - Climbing
Hydrangea - blue
Hydrangea - pink
pH Preference of Turf Grasses
Turf Grasses
Creeping Bent Grass
Fine Fescue
Kentucky Bluegrass
Perennial Ryegrass
Jul 14, 2010
cool games
<iframe src="http://www.miniclip.com/games/fragger-bonus-blast/en/webgame.php" frameborder="0" style="border:none;" width="800" height="600" scrolling="no"></iframe>
Blogged with the Flock Browser
Jul 7, 2010
About the Author
Nicholas Fisk's real name is David Higgenbottom. Born in London in 1923 he has worked as an actor, photographer, journalist, lecturer and a musician. He has been an editor and publisher as well as one of the most popular authors of Science Fiction and Horror stories over the past three decades. He has written over forty books and several television scripts.
• In Cutie Pie, the author describes the capture of an extra-terrestrial creature and his experiences on earth. The emphasis is on the basic human connection between the infant Winters and Cutie Pie, the E.T. creature. Indirectly, the author means that creatures living anywhere on any planet have some basic common human characteristics similar to the ones possessed by human beings.
• The scientists on earth built a space ship-Questar, which accidentally captured a creature living on the planet Quta-pie. When this extra-terrestrial creature was brought to earth and shown on T.V; Ch-tsal, at once became the darling of the spectators. They found him cute because of his shining feathers with shimmering patterns displaying rainbow colors. He had a curved, cosy, and rounded body, dark liquid eyes. He had bushy little hands, complete with thumbs that cutie pie used with astonishing speed and skill. Cutie Pie became an instant celebrity - he was a commercial success sold as Cutie Pie dolls, colouring books, tee-shirts, fan clubs, cereal cartoons, cartoon serials etc. Everyone wanted to touch him, see him, hold him. He was given a proper name - Ch-tsal - and put in a glass prison because he could live only in an environment similar to that on Quta-pi. The glass prison was a kind of scientific tomb which had a temperature of 180oF, 98 per cent humidity and an atmosphere of hydrogen, oxygen and careful proportions of a dozen exotic gases.
• Though Ch-tsal was captured from Quta-pie, the planet was not really his home. He merely chanced to be on Quta-pi. His elders had sent him there for his initiation; he went out as a boy and was to return as a "man", after having faced difficulties and dangers in strange places. Questar chanced to travel to Quta-pi and in scooping soil, rock, shale etc from it as samples, scooped Ch-tsal too.
• Ch-tsal remembered the scientists or inmates of Questar-silver creatures with bubble faces. He had become unconscious, but now he was in prison of the scientist jailers, white-clad men with tubes and goggle faces. He knew that these jailers didnt mean to torture him. He couldnt talk to them because he had no vocal chords; he could only look past their goggle glasses into their eyes, begging them to understand, but they could not.
• Ch-tsal groomed his feathers because they were filters, temperature - controllers, respirators etc. His whiskers were receiver's antennae, language carriers, voice, life-line. These linked him to his people and he had to keep them in working order by grooming. But unfortunately in the glass prison, these did not work. So he had to face a lot of miseries - he was deaf, dumb, alone, cut off from his land, his people.
• However, Ch-tsal fought his despair with all the courage he could muster up. His five stomachs, and numerous organic filters helped him to stomach the food and atmosphere supplied to him. He used to sleep and dream of his home. But on the nineteenth day of his captivity on earth, Ch-tsal awoke to a horrifying calamity.
• His jeweled feathers from his back and sides and down from his body had fallen out in the night. This calamity was as bad as it would be if humans suddenly found one day that they had hair - coarse hair all over their bodies. This loss of hair made him feel naked and hideous. His feathers were to him what clothes were to human. To lose his feathers was to lose himself. To become naked was to become a monster.
• He felt hideous and close to death. He crouched in a corner of his glass prison. He realized how powerless he was now. The scientists working on him also pitied him but they too were powerless.
• One day, two scientists came to Ch-tsal to try a change of diet. They examined him through the glass of their gas-mask goggles and hastened to get out because strange gases began to seep in through their masks. One of them pressed the button that closed the glass wall. The food bowl jammed it which caused a gap. Ch-tsal then escaped into the human world through this gap.
• Ch-tsal sensed that he could breathe in the air and the temperature was pleasant. He would have sent a message of thanks to his god, but his whiskers, his voice, were gone.
• Soon he began to explore the world around him. He found food in Mrs. Chats worth's house. He tasted cacti and put some into his bag. Now he wanted a friend desperately as he was very lonely. He saw a cat with fur. But the cat attacked him with its claws. He questioned the creature with his mental power and found it useless because the cat had only simple, crude thoughts - comfort, hunting, mating, food etc. He also came across a dog, but it too was useless for him.
• Then Ch-tsal felt rain and saw that his muzzle had some tiny, wire like projections - He was happy because his feathers were growing. But he was still looking for a friend and soon he found a small baby Christopher Harry Winters, who was of the same size as he was and completely naked. He learnt that Winters was an ungrown specimen of the senior species of earth. When winter's mother picked up the baby, waves of love and maternal emotions flowed between Winters and his mother which Ch-tsal recognized by his own experience.
• One night, Ch-tsal made his way into Christopher's nursery and lay down by Winters. He asked him to talk to him and hearing him, Winters smiled in his sleep. From Winters, Ch-tsal learned what it was like to plunge through a great wave, to hunt down animals in dark forests, to shoot an arrow knowing where it would hit. He also learnt of the glories of battle, the terrors of defeat, the chill wickedness of snakes, the smell of wood smoke etc.
• In turn, Ch-tsal told Winters of the building of crystal cities, of creatures in caves, of the pioneer ships that opened up the galaxy, of the Venus invaders and how they were defeated, of the five ways of knowing god, of the taste of a certain food that grew only when the planet's three moons were full.
• Both Ch-tsal and Winters underwent a great change after their meetings and talks. Now Winters often laughed and gurgled, bubbled and pulled his mother's hair. Ch-tsal's feathers and whiskers grew. He searched for food and exercised vigorously when Winters was four months old, Ch-tsal's feathers were so splendid that they gathered in the darkness. One particular night, he heard his mother's voice faintly, brokenly. Ch-tsal was overcome with joy and forgot all caution. He became a firework, a bombshell, spinning and zooming and bouncing off tree trunks. When two young poachers saw him, he beamed a single pulse of ecstasy so powerful that they fell backwards. One fine day, Ch-tsal was gone , the scientists stared at burnt grass in a roped-off area where his spaceship landed to take him back home. No one knew what became of Cutie Pie.
• Only-one person on earth knew, however, that was Winters, but he was too young to talk about Ch-tsal. He tried to tell his mother, but the mother only half-believed him and scolded him on listening to him, coaxing him to drink up his milk.
About the Author
Nicholas Fisk's real name is David Higgenbottom. Born in London in 1923 he has worked as an actor, photographer, journalist, lecturer and a musician. He has been an editor and publisher as well as one of the most popular authors of Science Fiction and Horror stories over the past three decades. He has written over forty books and several television scripts.
• In Cutie Pie, the author describes the capture of an extra-terrestrial creature and his experiences on earth. The emphasis is on the basic human connection between the infant Winters and Cutie Pie, the E.T. creature. Indirectly, the author means that creatures living anywhere on any planet have some basic common human characteristics similar to the ones possessed by human beings.
• The scientists on earth built a space ship-Questar, which accidentally captured a creature living on the planet Quta-pie. When this extra-terrestrial creature was brought to earth and shown on T.V; Ch-tsal, at once became the darling of the spectators. They found him cute because of his shining feathers with shimmering patterns displaying rainbow colors. He had a curved, cosy, and rounded body, dark liquid eyes. He had bushy little hands, complete with thumbs that cutie pie used with astonishing speed and skill. Cutie Pie became an instant celebrity - he was a commercial success sold as Cutie Pie dolls, colouring books, tee-shirts, fan clubs, cereal cartoons, cartoon serials etc. Everyone wanted to touch him, see him, hold him. He was given a proper name - Ch-tsal - and put in a glass prison because he could live only in an environment similar to that on Quta-pi. The glass prison was a kind of scientific tomb which had a temperature of 180oF, 98 per cent humidity and an atmosphere of hydrogen, oxygen and careful proportions of a dozen exotic gases.
• Though Ch-tsal was captured from Quta-pie, the planet was not really his home. He merely chanced to be on Quta-pi. His elders had sent him there for his initiation; he went out as a boy and was to return as a "man", after having faced difficulties and dangers in strange places. Questar chanced to travel to Quta-pi and in scooping soil, rock, shale etc from it as samples, scooped Ch-tsal too.
• Ch-tsal remembered the scientists or inmates of Questar-silver creatures with bubble faces. He had become unconscious, but now he was in prison of the scientist jailers, white-clad men with tubes and goggle faces. He knew that these jailers didnt mean to torture him. He couldnt talk to them because he had no vocal chords; he could only look past their goggle glasses into their eyes, begging them to understand, but they could not.
• Ch-tsal groomed his feathers because they were filters, temperature - controllers, respirators etc. His whiskers were receiver's antennae, language carriers, voice, life-line. These linked him to his people and he had to keep them in working order by grooming. But unfortunately in the glass prison, these did not work. So he had to face a lot of miseries - he was deaf, dumb, alone, cut off from his land, his people.
• However, Ch-tsal fought his despair with all the courage he could muster up. His five stomachs, and numerous organic filters helped him to stomach the food and atmosphere supplied to him. He used to sleep and dream of his home. But on the nineteenth day of his captivity on earth, Ch-tsal awoke to a horrifying calamity.
• His jeweled feathers from his back and sides and down from his body had fallen out in the night. This calamity was as bad as it would be if humans suddenly found one day that they had hair - coarse hair all over their bodies. This loss of hair made him feel naked and hideous. His feathers were to him what clothes were to human. To lose his feathers was to lose himself. To become naked was to become a monster.
• He felt hideous and close to death. He crouched in a corner of his glass prison. He realized how powerless he was now. The scientists working on him also pitied him but they too were powerless.
• One day, two scientists came to Ch-tsal to try a change of diet. They examined him through the glass of their gas-mask goggles and hastened to get out because strange gases began to seep in through their masks. One of them pressed the button that closed the glass wall. The food bowl jammed it which caused a gap. Ch-tsal then escaped into the human world through this gap.
• Ch-tsal sensed that he could breathe in the air and the temperature was pleasant. He would have sent a message of thanks to his god, but his whiskers, his voice, were gone.
• Soon he began to explore the world around him. He found food in Mrs. Chats worth's house. He tasted cacti and put some into his bag. Now he wanted a friend desperately as he was very lonely. He saw a cat with fur. But the cat attacked him with its claws. He questioned the creature with his mental power and found it useless because the cat had only simple, crude thoughts - comfort, hunting, mating, food etc. He also came across a dog, but it too was useless for him.
• Then Ch-tsal felt rain and saw that his muzzle had some tiny, wire like projections - He was happy because his feathers were growing. But he was still looking for a friend and soon he found a small baby Christopher Harry Winters, who was of the same size as he was and completely naked. He learnt that Winters was an ungrown specimen of the senior species of earth. When winter's mother picked up the baby, waves of love and maternal emotions flowed between Winters and his mother which Ch-tsal recognized by his own experience.
• One night, Ch-tsal made his way into Christopher's nursery and lay down by Winters. He asked him to talk to him and hearing him, Winters smiled in his sleep. From Winters, Ch-tsal learned what it was like to plunge through a great wave, to hunt down animals in dark forests, to shoot an arrow knowing where it would hit. He also learnt of the glories of battle, the terrors of defeat, the chill wickedness of snakes, the smell of wood smoke etc.
• In turn, Ch-tsal told Winters of the building of crystal cities, of creatures in caves, of the pioneer ships that opened up the galaxy, of the Venus invaders and how they were defeated, of the five ways of knowing god, of the taste of a certain food that grew only when the planet's three moons were full.
• Both Ch-tsal and Winters underwent a great change after their meetings and talks. Now Winters often laughed and gurgled, bubbled and pulled his mother's hair. Ch-tsal's feathers and whiskers grew. He searched for food and exercised vigorously when Winters was four months old, Ch-tsal's feathers were so splendid that they gathered in the darkness. One particular night, he heard his mother's voice faintly, brokenly. Ch-tsal was overcome with joy and forgot all caution. He became a firework, a bombshell, spinning and zooming and bouncing off tree trunks. When two young poachers saw him, he beamed a single pulse of ecstasy so powerful that they fell backwards. One fine day, Ch-tsal was gone , the scientists stared at burnt grass in a roped-off area where his spaceship landed to take him back home. No one knew what became of Cutie Pie.
• Only-one person on earth knew, however, that was Winters, but he was too young to talk about Ch-tsal. He tried to tell his mother, but the mother only half-believed him and scolded him on listening to him, coaxing him to drink up his milk.
Blogged with the Flock Browser
Jul 5, 2010
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Jul 1, 2010
" Elementary, my dear Watson ": Walter Walter everywhere, only one Walter to write on.
" Elementary, my dear Watson ": Walter Walter everywhere, only one Walter to write on.
I assume that everyone knows who Walter Hudson was. Well for those of you who don't , you could quite make it out with his model on the left. Describing him, his waist measured 119 inches (3.02m) in 1987 when he was at his peak weight of 1,197 lbs. Hudson lived on an average daily diet of two boxes of sausages, a pound of bacon, 12 eggs, a loaf of bread, four hamburgers and four cheeseburgers, eight portions of fries, three ham steaks, two chickens, four baked potatoes, four sweet potatoes, and four heads of broccoli. He also drank an average of 12 pints of soda with every meal.
My article is related to him. Well, this was an exercise for us in class. It was to write a day's diary entry for Walter. Here is my version
May 13th, 1978
10:00 P.M.
I opened my eyes at 10:00 A.M. But sat on my bed only at 10:30 A.M. The bright star was the first one to greet me morning reminding me of my childhood days when I kept badgering my mother for that big orange of which I was deprived of. Well the first thought after brushing my teeth was of course food. But, I decided to go on another diet, for my family was on the verge of bankruptcy after buying food for me in this growing inflation. It came as a shock to the vegetable vendor when my Mom refused to buy anything from him. He just stood there for sometime unable to comprehend what he had just heard, probably. His mouth opened and closed continuously like some goldfish remembering its food three seconds ago. After sometime, I decided to take a stroll to the hall. I lifted my right leg and after quite a struggle kept it forward. Well, it was a small step for a man, but a giant leap for Walter. After completing three successful steps I decided to cancel my hike, for, the Free to All Training Sessions would soon be broadcast on T.V. Being one of my favourite shows, I don't usually miss them. They show quite undeveloped Walters there. I switched on my T.V. only to be greeted by a special show on the atrocities and problems caused by the politicians. We both had something in common - They also lie and I too lie. I looked at my tummy, it was quiet, rather the stillness of the graveyard. It had gone off to sleep after the decision of my diet. It was dark outside. I took out my Bible and prayed to God that I shouldn't be a subject to mock at in any of the blogs in future.
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