" Elementary, my dear Watson ": Walter Walter everywhere, only one Walter to write on.
I assume that everyone knows who Walter Hudson was. Well for those of you who don't , you could quite make it out with his model on the left. Describing him, his waist measured 119 inches (3.02m) in 1987 when he was at his peak weight of 1,197 lbs. Hudson lived on an average daily diet of two boxes of sausages, a pound of bacon, 12 eggs, a loaf of bread, four hamburgers and four cheeseburgers, eight portions of fries, three ham steaks, two chickens, four baked potatoes, four sweet potatoes, and four heads of broccoli. He also drank an average of 12 pints of soda with every meal.
My article is related to him. Well, this was an exercise for us in class. It was to write a day's diary entry for Walter. Here is my version
May 13th, 1978
10:00 P.M.
I opened my eyes at 10:00 A.M. But sat on my bed only at 10:30 A.M. The bright star was the first one to greet me morning reminding me of my childhood days when I kept badgering my mother for that big orange of which I was deprived of. Well the first thought after brushing my teeth was of course food. But, I decided to go on another diet, for my family was on the verge of bankruptcy after buying food for me in this growing inflation. It came as a shock to the vegetable vendor when my Mom refused to buy anything from him. He just stood there for sometime unable to comprehend what he had just heard, probably. His mouth opened and closed continuously like some goldfish remembering its food three seconds ago. After sometime, I decided to take a stroll to the hall. I lifted my right leg and after quite a struggle kept it forward. Well, it was a small step for a man, but a giant leap for Walter. After completing three successful steps I decided to cancel my hike, for, the Free to All Training Sessions would soon be broadcast on T.V. Being one of my favourite shows, I don't usually miss them. They show quite undeveloped Walters there. I switched on my T.V. only to be greeted by a special show on the atrocities and problems caused by the politicians. We both had something in common - They also lie and I too lie. I looked at my tummy, it was quiet, rather the stillness of the graveyard. It had gone off to sleep after the decision of my diet. It was dark outside. I took out my Bible and prayed to God that I shouldn't be a subject to mock at in any of the blogs in future.
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